Wednesday 18 February 2015

RackBank Dedicated Server Reseller Program

High performance, full security to the content, full control of the server is all what an online project needs for its proper functioning and profitable growth. And for all these will be better than dedicated server hosting. If your website receives large volume of traffic, it’s the Dedicated Servers you should look for. By opting to get dedicated servers you get the liberty to choose the hardware and operating systems as per your need and demand.
Are you a Web developer, system administrator professional or anyone else who wants to grow its online business? Lacking infrastructure or finance to develop your own data center? Looking for a cost effective solution for all your problems?

Your one stop solution is Dedicated Server Hosting.

RackBank being Central India’s first data center, serves as a host of the growing online world. Not only this it also gives an opportunity to indulge in the new profit zone-The Reseller Hosting Business.
Get to resell dedicated servers keeping your identity at the forefront. Establish direct client relations in terms of billing, sales & initial technical support. Get an authorised identity of a Reseller being called a RackBanker. While benefiting from the wholesale rates you get to set your own price and margins.  RackBank’s dedicated server reseller program provides various benefits along with several offers. Get paid commission for the life of account. Earn more than 30% margin, great discounts, instant cashback and so much more. Avail the attractive offers & get to visit your dream destination by being a RackBanker. With rock solid network, 24x7 dedicated support and flexible billing systems our Reseller program is the best option to grow your business and generate additional revenue. Connect to growth with our fastest connectivity and 100% Uptime and let your venture be free of worries. At RackBank we use latest technology and all & what the organisation desires for the online advancement.

So be a Reseller and join hands with profit!!


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